
"I have always loved the desert. One sits down on a desert sand dune, sees nothing, hears nothing. Yet through the silence something throbs, and gleams" ~ Antoine de Saint Exupery, The Little Prince

The light in Namibia always catches your eye. Even when compared to other African destinations…it has a unique clarity. The Namibian light reaches the darkest of corners and illuminates the weariest of travellers. It is also a place of the mostest - the highest (their sand dunes), the lowest (fog off the ocean and population), the oldest (the Namib desert) and the youngest (their African Nation) …. it all applies, and it is all fascinating. We believe a journey through Namibia is as much about an inner journey of the soul, as well as the outward experience of its incredible array of varied destinations. Namibia, to be sure, is a place of staggering natural beauty, astonishing wildlife and people whose tribes have histories etched into the face of brooding mountains. This country boasts desert adapted fauna and flora that have evolved and survived against all odds…. as have the people. Then again, there aren't a lot of them- at a population of 2 million, it is the second least populated country on Earth after Mongolia. We create itineraries through Namibia that, once you leave, will have you aching to return to its vast and beautiful spaces.


Space to breathe


Situated on the southwestern shores of the African continent, to the north of South Africa and the south of Angola, Namibia is a vast country of magnificent terrain and few people. As a bordering country of Botswana, we create exciting and memorable adventures that incorporate the best of both regions.

Getting Here

Hosea Kutako International Airport, located 45 minutes east of Windhoek, is the main entry point for international flights into Namibia. Air Namibia operates flights from Frankfurt, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Victoria Falls and Maun. Flights between the smaller Eros Airport and Cape Town are also available and we would advise best options depending on your personal itinerary.

When to visit Namibia

During the high season of June to October and holidays over December, advanced bookings are recommended.

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Green Season

December, January, February, March

A profusion of flowers and the green flush of grasses present themselves for great landscape photography.  Unlike some other destinations during the green season, game viewing does not become restricted with high grasses and dense foliage.

Birds are in breeding plumage and young animals on tender legs.

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Average Temperature

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Average Rainfall

Shoulder Season

April, May, November

Temperatures are comfortable and days tend to be clear, with a very slight chance of isolated rain.

Thirst land areas start to dry out quickly with sparse areas of vegetation still present. Predator and desert adapted species viewing good.

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Average Temperature

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Average Rainfall

Dry Season

June - October

Very dry with cooler temperatures, especially at night.

Spectacular evening skies filled with stars.

Dry conditions result in huge animal concentrations especially in Etosha around the pans and in the north west along ephemeral rivers such as the Hoanib. Opportunities here to see desert adapted predators, rhino and elephant.

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Average Temperature

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Average Rainfall